Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Life Highlights: June Edition

Some Summer Highlights:

In June, Ike and I embraced a little insanity and went on a 10-mile hike around Whittier at 5:30am.  We were hoping to see a beautiful sunrise, but it was too foggy. The entire surrounding area was covered in a thick layer of mist.  It was as if we were staring into the white void searching for signs of life like Captain Ahab. However, despite this we still had a great time catching up and getting in shape.

June also was a time of community for Anna and myself.  We went to the Hammer Museum in LA, hung out at Disneyland, and showed each other our favourite films (hers was “Frances Ha” and mine was “The Man Who Fell to Earth”). What I loved the most was how perfectly both films encapsulated our styles of film-making and artistic sensibilities. It was a great time of friendship and community.  She’s pretty awesome.

I also visited the Huntington Beach Public Library for the first time with Alan, and was extremely impressed by all the art, their rare book collection, and beautiful gardens! We also got lunch at Lemonade, which was equally excellent.

And finally, I celebrated 4th of July together at Ike's. His house threw their annual 4th of July celebration shin-dig, which was awesome. We played pool, caught up, listened to music, and went on the rooftop to watch the fireworks. He also showed me his Minecraft world he put "several hours" into creating, which I would laugh at, but then I remember all my work with David Bowie and it really would be pot and kettle nonsense.

Other than that, my summer has thus far been filled with work, work, and more work both at the hotel and at the theatre. Here's hoping that I am able to continue saving money for my move!

Ike and me after the ascent up into Turnbull Canyon - that mist in the background does not fully capture how crazy thick the fog was all morning.  We literally could not see past a few feet past the trail in any direction.  Everywhere was shrouded in mist-ery.
Anna and me at Disneyland - it was so hot that we wanted to die.  But we had fun discussing everything from ghost stories to philosophy to telling stupid jokes to comparing Disneyland and Disney World.

Alan, Ike, me, and Jake on their rooftop during 4th of July watching all the illegal fireworks the neighbors set off.  They inadvertently provided a 360-degree show that was pretty good.  Ike even took his speaker up on the roof to have some musical accompaniment to the "show".

1 comment:

  1. Yes, girl! June was good. So happy to be mentioned :P
