Friday, October 13, 2017

Current Contemplation: A New Collaboration Venture

Ostensibly my favourite photo of us from a year and a half ago when we painted some pottery together
Recently I've been dwelling on my last phone call with Ike. We talked about collaborating on something together again (across the country) and I've been trying to figure out what we could do. The great thing is that we have separately come to the conclusion that we want to work in film (something we both doubted, particularly in our last year of college), but now our question is: what do we want to make?

After considering all my favourite things and our individual skillsets/talents, I realised that we have quite a few variables in our favour to make something excellent, but I'm not sure where to go from there.

Here's a few of the elements in play:
- Ike is particularly gifted in writing, directing, editing, art direction, and visual effects
- I am particularly talented in writing, producing (scheduling and budgeting), and assistant directing
- We are both decent at general filmmaking skills (cinematography and the like) and bring a modest list of contacts to the table
- We both live in "film-able" locations (Los Angeles and New York City are the two media hubs of the US for not only the contacts and resources, but also for movie settings, etc.)
- We have good chemistry as co-workers, and have experience working together in a variety of roles (usually complimentary)
- Our current, respective living situations innately have a lot of elements right for a narrative (we met in college, we are friends of the opposite sex, we share the same moral and ethical codes, he is taken while I am single, he lives in Los Angeles while I live in New York City, he encourages me to try new food while I encourage him to try new music, etc. etc.)

All that we need now is some great idea to launch us into collaboration once more, and I must admit the idea excited me greatly since it's been a long time since we have properly collaborated together.

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