Sunday, October 15, 2017

Life Highlights: I've Decided Not to be Sick Anymore

Went to church this morning for yet another excellent sermon by Pastor Jeff.  His preachings have really helped focus my Bowie work, and I made more headway on my TNext Day piece.  I was also invited to attend a Bible study this Tuesday evening after work, so I'm excited for that as well!

Then I did laundry and went shopping, deciding that starting today, I am no longer sick.  It's simply mind over matter, and I hope to succeed in the "matter" at hand.  I had to cancel a coffee appointment and skip two days of work to recuperate already, so I'm sick of being sick.

And although I had the energy to write earlier today, I already find myself tired and my brain lagging, so my goal for tomorrow is to finish round one of my Bowie article.  It's quite excellent so far, and it's only the first pass.

Other than that I've recently been plagued by a sense of stagnation in my professional and spiritual growth.  However, I think rationally it's not stagnation so much as "settling down".  September was a month full of drastic change and simply paddling to stay afloat as I adjusted to everything from simply finding my way back home to finding a way to keep in contact with everyone back home while trying to make new friends here.  Now that it's mid-October (I can't believe it already!), I need to start being better about reading good literature, writing more content, and applying to jobs.  I can't believe it's almost November - where has the time gone?

Hopefully, tomorrow will be a turning point for my productivity (being sick is also a good excuse to be lazy).

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