Thursday, October 5, 2017

Life Hightlights: Day 2 with El Snake-O

Me in front of Studio 54 wishing I could transport myself back to the 1970s and get an invite!

Today Manar and I went out the door by 10:30am as we went to SoHo to get some shopping done! We first went to Dean and Deluca for some energy for the day in the form of coffee and a cinnamon bun.  Then we walked up and down Broadway and found some cute shoes at Steve Madden, a fun outfit at TopShop, and bought charming little necklaces at the Broadway Market Co.

Afterwards, we went to Olive's for lunch before deciding to go over to see the Friends apartment building.  Then we travelled onwards to Chelsea to go gallery hopping.  I was most impressed, and I definitely plan on going back there myself - there was so much free and wonderful art to consume (and very close by each other)! By this time it was getting to be late afternoon, so we stopped by the Bean & Bean coffee shop for an energy refuel (and a bathroom break), before going off to see McGee's pub in Hell's Kitchen.  It was the pub that MacLaren's in How I Met Your Mother was based on! Although not before we stopped to snap a quick picture at where Studio 54 once stood (the parties were legendary and so was the music [and drugs]).  After a drink (and resting our poor feet) we decided to head over to Times Square for a photo before going back to the flat.

We're both pretty exhausted (it was almost a ten-hour day with certainly a minimum of ten-miles of walking) and poor Manar is still recovering from being sick as well.  Hopefully tomorrow she will be feeling better and we will do lighter activities to balance out today's breakneck pace.  I can't believe tomorrow is her last full day here before she leaves on Saturday! Her visit has definitely gone by too quickly!

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