Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Life Highlights: Busy Day

Manar's new digs are in Eagle Rock!
Not that interested in writing a long thing tonight.  Went to my penultimate last day of work at Disney, took a two hour nap, re-packed my suitcase for the eleventh time, sold my air conditioner, had a melt-down (hanger is a thing), ate some good chicken tikka masala, packed Manar's things into our cars, went to move them to her new house, and came back to wait for the guy to whom she sold her bed frame.

Her new place is really cute, really nice, and really safe! I'm so happy for her and excited for her new adventure (even though we're also [for now] closing the chapter on our lives where we have roomed together for six-odd years).

Tomorrow is my last day at my best ever college job before we (as a family) are going to our last (free) family Disney day! Then Manar's friends are coming over to help her move the last of the big items over to her new place in Eagle Rock.  So a long (but fun and productive and bittersweet) day ahead! I can't believe this time next week I'll be living in New York.  It seems so unreal.

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