Sunday, September 24, 2017

Life Highlights: New Project

Shh - My new project is a secret!
Although I have been excited about many "projects" these past three weeks, none of them have been completed.  I found myself distracted or unmotivated to continue or finish any of them, and as a result I was despondent and dispassionate about my work.

However, I am excited to say I've officially recommitted myself to a new project.  One that I've been excited about before, but after considering my time here the past few weeks, the one I am officially going to try to write a little bit of every day.  As a result these blog posts may be short or partial entries to my ultimate project since I will be writing for my book while going to work.

In the meantime I will also be attempting to write a script for a children's movie (or at least a proof of concept) so that I can have something in my back pocket to pitch if the opportunity arises.  Tomorrow is my first day at my new job, so I'm going to relax and prepare for my first "Monday" on an actual Monday in years.

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