Friday, October 20, 2017

Life Highlights: Update on Work

Finally gearing up to write my next Bowie essay, but there's just so many topics to pick from - I'm having a hard time picking just one! I know there are at least three larger projects that will probably take a few weeks (at minimum) to research and write about.  However, the easiest to tackle would by far be my in-depth analysis of The Next Day (and the EP) since that just requires a closer examination of individual songs rather than an intensive study of both Biblical and Bowie material.

A different route I could go, of course, would be to analyze a famous Bowie song and consider making more serious headway on a YouTube channel that I've been considering developing (so many projects, so little time - and so difficult to choose which one to begin with!)

In other news, Ike enjoyed my script and we're making some excellent headway in the creation/development portion of our newest project! It's still untitled and we've got a lot of work to do, but the nice thing is that both of us agree not to stretch out the project.  At most we want it to take a few months (not years).

And finally, the Lord has answered one of my prayers this week! (Even as I selfishly continue to be an imperfect human being and have a 0/10 faithfulness score while the Lord continues his perfect streak of 1,000,000/10).  I got an email response back from one of those temp places, so hopefully, they can help me find work somewhere (like as a receptionist or something) in a creative office! I looked up the company on Google and they seem to have a 50/50 shot of positive responses from people who went to them (either a supremely negative experience or a supremely positive one, based on the individual recruiter), so fingers crossed I get a good one!

Otherwise, it's been an uphill battle attempting to find work.  I have yet to apply to any more companies this month, as I have yet to find anything that particularly interests me or something that I feel like I have a decent shot at.  So instead I have been working on building a portfolio of work that I can show for my resume.  Since I have already tried the "apply everywhere and anywhere" approach, I've decided to emulate my friend Nolan's approach of having one or two quality applications sent to a few jobs that I really want.  Hopefully, something good will come out of it!

Today is my "Thursday" at work, so I'm pretty ready for my weekend to begin!

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