Friday, January 26, 2018

Life Highlights: Quick January Update

Central Park a few days ago
Still haven't heard back from Sony yet regarding my interview last week, but hopefully Monday will be the day!

Meanwhile, I officially started packing today to try and do something sort of productive after my doctor's appointment today while chatting with Anna. I decided it would make sense to pack my summer clothes away anyways, since clearly I won't wear any of them before March 1st.

Other than that, it's been a fairly boring few weeks. I've kept busy by watching Gravity Falls reruns, a little bit of reading, and taking care of my physical health. I'm hoping for my prospects to change soon, but currently I'm learning that God's time is not my time!

I might find enough motivation to do a proper essay tomorrow, which I'm pretty excited about, and I also might go to the museum with one of my friends. But that's about it for now. So far my 2018 has just been a constant practice of learning patience and obedience to The Lord.

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