Thursday, February 15, 2018

Life Highlights: Positive Drabble

To celebrate my nice day, here's a screencap of my new favourite to celebrate
Today I felt more positive than I have in a very very long time.  I had a great time relaxing with Gravity Falls and caring for my friends.  I had a wonderful call with Ike this afternoon and started planning a loose itinerary for when Todd and Annaliese come to visit in May.  I've also been writing more frequently, reflecting on my life, and trying to slowly, but surely, pull myself back together after a literal and metaphorical winter.  I think I have Alex to thank for that, as we had a wonderful late night phone call yesterday, as well as texting Manar and catching up with her.

Talking with and planning things for some of my favourite people, taking more time to try and hone some positive introspection, and having my new mini-obsession in the background has, for some kind reason, made this day just lovely.

Tomorrow I work at HBO again, and hopefully, because it's almost the weekend, the day will be fairly light.  Everyone there is extremely kind and welcoming, which I definitely appreciate.  Then I'll have a three-day-weekend before going back there on Tuesday for the rest of next week.  And next weekend will also mark the beginning of my official move-in to my new space as well (although, unfortunately, it looks like it's going to rain).

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