Monday, April 2, 2018

Life Highlights: Easter Review

I hope everyone had a great Easter! I know I did, as I went to church and got to talk with my sister in the afternoon. 

This year unfortunately I didn't feel particularly "Easter-y", as the message was one of the first ever I felt was a bit ... lackluster.  Not that the point of the sermon was bad, but it also wasn't the best Easter message I had ever heard.  Perhaps next year I'll actually participate in Lent in order to get my mind into gear about the Easter season.  I also realised that starting from 2015, my birthday will coincide with Easter every 11 years until 2048.

Meanwhile, I hadn't talked to the snake since December, so it was really nice to get to chat with her.  She even - while on the line - ordered me my birthday present which was (per my request) the DVD collector's edition boxset of Gravity Falls! And I also got to tell her about my potential move back to LA by the end of next year (December 2019).  She seemed pretty excited, and we both looked forward to the day we could afford a two-bedroom together (and make it look extra cute).  Hopefully, that will be by 2019!

And finally, I was definitely saddened to realise that the weekend was already over (now all the tropes about LI VI NG FOR TH E WEEK E ND are true about my life once more!).  But thankfully this Monday has been rather tame as all the executives are out for the day.  I hope that it somewhat remains this way as I continue to settle in.

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