Wednesday, August 9, 2017

David Bowie: Reality Highlight Part 2

Bowie: Is there a difference between commercial art and so called non-profit art?
Bowie (to himself): Uhh, I didn't know there was such a thing.

A short additional plug for what I talked about yesterday, the Reality film really is an essential must-watch for any self-proclaimed fan of Bowie, music, film, and/or art itself.  It's cleverly edited and shot to be four music-videos in one combined with a surrealistic interview experience of Bowie on a video screen asking himself questions.  Therefore the film is elevated to also be a critique on the interview, the celebrity, and media itself - how we perceive "Reality".  It's one of my top favourite things Bowie's ever made, and I really want to dedicate a longer post to it one day (soon!).  But for now, all I will say is that I desperately want someone to release the full, unedited audio and footage.  I would pay MAJOR MONEY to hear his opinion on everything from art and media to "ketchup or mustard".  His interviews are always insightful, clever, and witty as hell and I am desperate for as much content as possible (which is slightly ironic considering the film discusses the over-saturation of media).  The film itself feels slightly disturbing, wonderfully weird, and is reminiscent of a larger piece that Bowie himself would later shoot, the music video for the "Love is Lost" remix.

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