Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Life Highlights: Last Day in NYC with My Mum!

Me at Bottega Falai sipping my Chinese Breakfast Tea, pretending that Bowie could walk down the street and into the cafe at any moment
Very sad, as today was my last day in New York with pretty much the best mum around (hint: she's my mum). But we still had a great day!

We started off by going to yet another Bowie stop - this time at an Italian place called Bottega Falai, which served excellent chocolate croissants and Chinese Breakfast Tea (neither were favourites of the late artist's, but the tea was a big hit with me as I had never had it before and really enjoyed it).
Me on an empty Subway car at 96th Station
Then we went back to my flat to buy food for me to eat and some pillows for me to sleep with (both are critical for a good start) before heading back down to Midtown in order to do a little retail therapy in the form of my first shopping "spree" in five years! I got three new pairs of shoes, three new outfits, and one new nice jacket so I am pretty much set to tackle my new "New Yorker" lifestyle!

My mom and me in Times Square
We ended the day with going to Times Square as my mom has never seen it - definitely a different feel from all the other places we frequented, which were mainly East Harlem and East Village since that's where we were both staying. Much more touristy and bustling with activity like you imagine on television rather than the equally energetic, but more authentic and artsy vibe of the other neighbourhoods.

So all in all an excellent mini-holiday with my mum and a great send off as a brand new New Yorker! I'm still pretty nervous/scared about being on my own after she leaves, but I'm also excited to see what God has in store for me! But whatever happens, I know my mom is pretty much the coolest and greatest inspiration I could ever have, and knowing that she's always got my back (whether 3 feet or 3000 miles away from me) is pretty damn awesome.

1 comment:

  1. My heart is so full right now. I'm so proud of the young woman you are, and are striving to be. I feel honored that you included me in the start of your new adventure. God has brought you to a great place, and I look forward to seeing what's next. I love you more than you could possibly understand, and yes, I am always "here" if you need me. Be strong, fierce, and loving. XO, Mum
