Thursday, September 14, 2017

Life Highlihgts: Another Day

Photo of the NYPL I took today

I simply cannot write today.  I have tried.  But I am simply too cranky and tired and frustrated and duly uninspired.  This is particularly inconvenient as I was supposed to finish my application for a media job I really want (more details on that later, perhaps).

So instead I went to the New York Public Library, took a few photos, watched Garth Marenghi's Darkplace, and then came back and turned on cable television for the first time in five years (and what better way to celebrate than watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 and 2?).

All in all a fairly relaxing day, but not exactly perfect since I was a bit grumpy and tired and sweaty today (I googled it - apparently the humidity level in New York was at 86%[!!!] today).  Tomorrow I will hopefully have some better inspiration.

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