Saturday, November 25, 2017

Life Highlights: Getting Ready for Christmas

When you want to decorate for Christmas, but you're on a budget (or as Annaliese called it: yaaasss minimalist xmas aesthetic, or as I called it: leftovers from a film thing)
Now that Thanksgiving is over and my last day at the restaurant is complete, I am getting extremely excited for Christmas! Although I will be spending the actual day of Christmas in New York, I am going home on Thursday to have an early celebration! I have thankfully already finished my Christmas shopping, and I've been enjoyimg watching bits and pieces of the City getting into the festive spirit these past few weeks (obviously starting in all the shops).

I still have a few errands to run, things to pack, and all that jazz, before my flight on Thursday, but I have plenty of time to take care of everything now that I don't work at Mercer anymore! So today was a much needed, well deserved rest day for me! I didn't leave the apartment once - and I know my sore body is extremely grateful for that!

In terms of "Christmas wishlist" items, it's mainly seeing my friends and family and "paying rent". However, aside from that, I recently realised I need a pair of earmuffs and a new black purse (my current one is slowly but surely approaching it's "last legs" stage - a lot of the leather around the strap is peeling), while more frivolously, I've been looking at new duvet covers (since my current one I bought for my freshman year in college) and of course books, books, and more books (right now I want to buy Tolstoy's essay on "What is Art?"). But by far my best "self Christmas present" was what I bought myself months ago - tickets for the David Bowie Is exhibit in March! I am counting down the days until it's a reality.

But in order to properly get "into the spirit" of things, I finally got around to making a Christmas playlist on Spotify, although I haven't arranged the songs in any particular order (I've just put the whole thing on shuffle). It's rather odd to take a break from what's normally Bowie 24/7, but not to worry - I still included his rendition of "Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth" with Bing Crosby (which was recorded in 1977).

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