Friday, November 24, 2017

Life Highlights: Last Day at Mercer

The weird place underground known as "Sub Mercer" where I enjoyed my Thanksgiving dinner yesterday. I always thought it looked like a speakeasy or a haunted lounge from a spooky film
After languishing over the decision to work in a restaurant two months ago, I finally decided to take a leap of faith and put my two weeks in at the restaurant! So after much anticipation (mixed with attempting to balance temp opportunities and church schedules), my final day at Mercer has finally come!

Although the pay was small, the public horrendous, the hours long, the physical demands exhausting, and the work menial, I will still miss the place in my own way - most particularly (and obviously) because of the people.

Working at The Mercer Kitchen was my first step at establishing a life here in New York City, and the people I met there were my first friends I made. I will really miss my fellow host team of Shelby, Nicolette, Courtney, and Kurly, along with the rest of the front of house team (including the managers).

In honour of the event, I decided to dress up a little before leaving quietly when we close tonight at 1 am (because of course they gave me a last shift as the closing host on Friday). Perhaps one day I will go back and finally try the food there (it always smelled really good).

But for now, I am devouring the fact that today is my last shift and at this time next week I will be back home in Oregon!

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