Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Life Highlights: Just Can't Concentrate

Sony Square at 25 Madison Ave in Manhattan
I just can't stay focused today for the life of me.  Last night I became really nauseous and had an acute sensation of vertigo that left me feeling rather ill.  This morning it was a little better, but I just can't bring myself to eat anything (proper).  I'm hoping that if I hop down to Dean & DeLuca for some of their delicious soup I will be able to force myself to eat something (and have it stay down).

This morning I've had a persistent headache in my temples and an inability to focus on one task.  In the past five hours I've read dozens of articles, written and abandoned half a dozen articles, replied to a few emails, changed the music in the lobby at least ten different times, and refused to eat anything more than a few mints and some energy bars.

The highlights of my day have been a compliment I received on my excellent Bowie shirt and that I am currently playing his ART in the lobby.  Other than that I can not wait to get off and go home (although first I have to go down to SoHo to get that soup and a thank you card).  Unfortunately I am forced to skip Bible study tonight due to the long hours here, but I really have enjoyed my time at Sony.  I'm sad tomorrow will be my last day, and even more so dreading my last three days at the restaurant (which somehow is still managing to cram 25 hours of work into my schedule).

Therefore, this pitiful blog post may be the only entry for today (despite my other ones being so much better quality).  But hopefully tomorrow I will be feeling better and once Saturday comes around I will officially be free from the restaurant! And perhaps if I'm feeling better (and more focused) I will post one of the articles I started earlier (I still have four hours at work, after all).

In other news, I hope to have yet another gig at a small film production company after Thanksgiving.  God is pretty good (even when I feel miserable).

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