Friday, December 1, 2017

Life Highlights: Happy Birthday

My Very Excellent Mother And Me
Today was my first full day in Oregon, and I had a lovely time celebrating my mom and grandpa's birthday! In my family, they're the same day - so double the presents, minus remembering two different dates.

We threw my grandpa a lovely party at our local church with a beautiful cake, while my mom enjoyed taking the backseat and planning the party. However, she wasn't forgotten, as my excellent Facebook post commemorated the date as well as giving her a tiny snowglobe Manar and I picked out a while ago.

It was also lovely to see my cousins again (by far the extended family I'm closest to, as we grew up together and are all within two years of each other). I'm looking forward to spending the day with them tomorrow as well before they head back to Utah on Sunday.

And with that, I have one final wish of a very happy birthday with many more to follow to both my beautiful mom and my awesome grandpa!

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