Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Life Highlights: Hometown Besties

Fun Snapchats from Today with Mayo, Bubs, & Todd
Today I sadly had to say goodbye to my grandparents and Manar, but I also happily got to say hello to my two best friends from childhood - Annaliese and Todd!

Last night was my last night in my childhood bedroom before going into town for my chiropractor appointment. Then Manar and I got a final meal at Bridgewater before heading over to drop off the leftovers and say goodbye to our mom. Afterwards we headed over to the grandparents to say goodbye and visit before going to the airport in Eugene (with a quick stop at Dutch Bros before the journey commenced). There, I dropped off Mayo and said my final goodbyes (imploring her to be safe with all these fires!).

Once the Snake left, then I headed up to Salem to see Todd and Annaliese. On the way I decided to finally learn all the lyrics to "Young Americans" (the song, not the album), with mixed results, before I got to their house. Once here, I had fun visiting with Annaliese before Todd showed up after work. We all visited, they opened their presents (which were thankfully - and joyfully - received well), and we all went to dinner at a place called the Kitchen (that had some great mac and cheese). Afterwards, we came back to their house and visited some more before going to bed (which, speaking of, they have so much space in their house that I got a spare bedroom all to myself across from the other spare bedroom which Todd's rabbit inhabits - imagine having so much space your pet has their own bedroom!).

So all in all it's been both a joyful and saddening day with all of the hellos and goodbyes I once again had to give everyone. But despite the ups and downs, I can't wait to spend a full day with my friends tomorrow!

Note: Another manual time stamp change to reflect the accurate PST reading of 22:22

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