Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Life Highlights: A Very Merry (early) Christmas

Merry Christmas From Our Family to Yours!
Merry (early) Christmas Everyone! Since tickets are too expensive on actual Christmas, and my mom is busy during the Christmas season in general, we decided to celebrate early this year! So we combined our holidays into one giant Thanksgiving-Christmas-New-Year's celebration, along with a birthday celebration for both my mom and grandpa. So today was our marvellous Christmas morning/Thanksgiving dinner!

We started by opening out stockings, then getting ready for my grandparents to arrive. We also had the classic cinnamon rolls for breakfast along with a nice cup of festive peppermint tea. I got an excellent haul this year - five scarves, five pairs of scarves, some doterra oils, a pair of earmuffs, a weighted blanket, and two gift cards - and the rest of the family opened presents together, which was lovely.

Then we all visited before having Thanksgiving lunch/dinner, and afterwards we played Rummikub and Skip-bo. The family favourite/classic, I always love Rummikub - not to mention that I usually win (and I did today too), but Manar got a new card game called Skip-bo today which was also excellent (Manar, my mom, and myself all won [in that order]). Then we said goodbye to the grandparents for the evening before relaxing together again.

By far, obviously, the best present has been my (and the family's) presence all together again. Seeing everyone after so long (even though it's just been four months) has been greatly replenishing to my soul. And I'm pretty happy I got to see everyone before going to complete the trip by seeing my best friends (Todd and Annaliese) tomorrow!

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