Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Current Contemplations: New Year's Resolutions (A Day Late and a Dollar Short)

Sorry for not posting on actual New Years! But since it's only the day after, I think I can still say Happy New Year! 2018 sounds like such a futuristic date that I'm not really sure what to think of it.  Five years ago I had graduated high school and just started university and Bowie had released The Next Day and everyone was obsessed with Sherlock.  Truly, it was a different time.

This New Year's I did not go to Time Square (despite my new home).  Instead, I decided on a quiet night in, in which I promptly fell asleep around 22:00 EST.  It was a good way to start off the year, in my opinion.  Sleep and food are never a bad thing!

But here's some general musings on my "New Year's Resolutions" that I would like to do this year (although not binding):

1) Take better care of my health - this refers to my mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health as there are multiple doctors' appointments I have put off for a while that I really need to do

2) Listen more - self-explanatory

3) Make a work of art - any medium

4) Read a minimum of 24 books for the year - this means a minimum of 2 a month

5) Spend more one-on-one time with God - ideally making this a part of my daily routine

6) Go on social media/electronics less to instead do more of 3, 4, and 5

I'm sure there's a few I've left out or more that I will come up with later, but for now that's my hope for the start of a new blessed year!

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