Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Life Highlights: Drabble 9

Today is the day! After five long months of waiting, my favourite little trolls will be here in New York with me in just a few hours!

Tonight I'm taking them to see Times Square (to get it out of the way, because seriously, no one wants to go to Times Square), and then I'm off work until next week to go explore the City with them! I'll definitely show them the office building I work at (although not the inside), when we go see Bryant Park and the Public Library on Thursday so they get an idea of where I spend most of my time.

Otherwise, I'm pretty excited just to take them down Broadway! Like I told the French guy I met, when I'm happy, I'm too much of a Bowie fan not to say that is music is what's blasting in my headphones.  And today it's been either GMM or Bowie concerts! I started with Glass Spider, but switched over to his 1996 performance at Rockpalast because nothing says celebrate like mid-90s grungy, jungle rock.

It's a gorgeous day outside too - sunny and 80 degrees (not that I would know being indoors - the air conditioning is so cold in the morning that I end up wearing a jacket inside).  A perfect start to their time out here! And it looks like the Lord has answered my prayers for some great weather too, as it's essentially partly cloudy in the 70s and 60s while they're here!

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